Friday, July 8, 2011

Our House in Steinbach GE

View from back windows
Entrance behind rose bushes!
The street is close to da house!!!!
View from side windows.

View from Laundry room.
Back of the house and our small balcony
Our street that comes very close to the house!
Our back yard of many fruit trees.
The first level of a tri-level yard.
Our tiny little kitchen in the big house!
A painting on the dining room wall, by the landlords father
Staircase to the loft, which Blane loves! 
The loft, Blane's hideaway! 
Marble staircase w/stainless steel handrail.



  1. Hey brother, these pictures are awesome. I hope you have time to add some narrative as well...providing details to the pics! I have set the acct to notify me anytime you add anything. I look forward to following! Love ya!

  2. The house is cool! Especially with the Yellow Challenger sitting in the drive.
